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Shortlist 2018

Writer: BeckettBeckett

CYA Conference is pleased to announce the short list for the CYA Conference 2018 Writing and Illustrating Competition.

Please note that the final places will only be revealed at the Opening Awards Ceremony of CYA Conference on 7th July 2018, being held at South Bank TAFE, Brisbane. 

Look forward to seeing you there if you can make it!

(In alphabetical order - not final places)


Category 1 - Picture Book - Preschool and Primary aged children: Final Editor Judge: Katrina Lehman - Senior Editor for Penguin Random House

Chef Dog - Cory V

POP! - Nadia I

Still Not Asleep - Tessa Q

Category 2 - Chapter Books and Novels

Final Editor Judge: Katrina Lehman - Senior Editor for Penguin Random House

Beyond The Stars - Hazel L

Dragon Master - Prequel To Imperial - Brittany D

The Girl With The Story - Jessica M

Category 3 - Graphic Novel or Illustrated Picture Book or Illustrated Middle-grade Novel or Illustrations:

Final Editor Judge: Katrina Lehman - Senior Editor for Penguin Random House

Maeve's Chickens - Briony H

The House That Isaac Gave Away - Sarah G



Category 1 - Picture Book - Preschool aged children: Final Editor Judge: Suzanne O’Sullivan, Publisher for Lothian Children’s books, Hachette Australia

A Letter To Post - Kylie Covark

Everything Big - Chelsea Davies

How To Take Your Human For A Walk - Liz Ledden

Category 2 - Picture Book - Primary aged children:  Final Editor Judge: Suzanne O’Sullivan, Publisher for Lothian Children’s books, Hachette Australia

I Just Want A Puppy - Nat Amoore

Under The Red Shawl - Vikki Conley

Zeke's Big & Scary Problem - Nat Amoore

Category 3 - Picture Book - Non-Fiction - Primary aged children: Final Editor Judge: Suzanne O’Sullivan, Publisher for Lothian Children’s books, Hachette Australia

A Magical Beach Called Mon Repos, Where An Ancient Reptile Lays - Rebecca Coulombe

Cathy Freeman - Australia's Golden Girl - Liz Ledden

Silly Sea Animal Names - Rebecca Sheraton

Category 4 - Chapter Book -Younger primary aged children: Final Editor Judge: Katrina Lehman - Senior Editor for Penguin Random House

Lady Milly Woof And The Royal Brick - Helen Parr

My Dad Told Me - Nat Amoore

The Fabulous Cakes Of Zinnia Jakes: The Crumbling Castle - Brenda Gurr

Category 5 - Chapter Book - Older aged children (Middle Grade): Final Editor Judge: Katrina Lehman - Senior Editor for Penguin Random House

Joe Below And The Curse Of Thoth - Brenda Gurr

Summer Of The Stormbird - Georgina Moore

The Selkie’s Daughter - Wendy Adams

Category 6 -  Young Adults: Final Editor Judge: Lisa Berryman, Children’s Publisher at HarperCollins Publishers

Hamelin - Shaun Stephen

Jellyfish Blues - Mary-Ellen Quirk

Ostium - Hayley Jackson

Category 7 & 8 (Combined) - Graphic Novel or Illustrated Picture Book or Illustrated Middle-grade Novel or Illustrations: Final Editor Judge: Donna Rawlins - Senior designer for Walker Books Australia and Black Dog Books

Have You Seen A Spottlehog? - Linda Murray

Love From Australia - Ruth Waters

Maeve’s Chickens - Katrina Fisher

The Princesses Cage - Jenny Hale



Final Judge: Davina Bell, Younger Readers Senior Editor for Affirm Press.

There is only one winner taken from ALL sections in Published.

Picture Books:

Silence in the Library : Bones - Emma Vere-Jones

This is the Dog : Off We Go - Maura Finn

When I Was Twelve - Katrina Roe

YA Novels & Chapter Books:

Mitch & Max - Cate Whittle

The Making of Abby Rhodes - Dee White

The World As We Know It - Gwyneth Jane Page

Illustrations: Illustrated Picture Books. 

All illustrations have been seen by the editor and are under review. Anyone making it into the final line up will be notified.

Congratulations everyone on the short list! 

Thank you to all the volunteer judges: This is the first year that we have paid our judges a small amount in exchange for 'money off’ the cost of attending the CYA Conference, but much of their time is still volunteered.

Ally Howard, Ben Long, Cass Webb, Charlotte Barkla, Claire Saxby, Claire Richards, Georgina Moore, Grace Bryant, Heather Gallagher, Heidi Smith, Helene Magisson, Janet Reid, Jason Gent, Jo Antareau, Justine Barker, Kyle Clark, Louise Guy, Lynda Calder, Mia Carr, Michelle Worthington, Natalie Cooke, Natalie Hatch, Nickola Albrecht, Rebecca Timmis, Sharon Giltrow, Shaye Wardrop, Sue-Ellen Pashley and Tina Clark.


Thank you to the Final Editor Judges. It’s a big task to put your own time into this style of judging:

Davina Bell, Younger Readers Senior Editor for Affirm Press. Donna Rawlins - Senior designer for Walker Books Australia and Black Dog Books

Lisa Berryman, Children’s Publisher at HarperCollins Publishers  Katrina Lehman - Senior Editor for Penguin Random House

Lisa Berryman, Children’s Publisher at HarperCollins Publishers 

Suzanne O’Sullivan, Publisher for Lothian Children’s books, Hachette Australia

To everyone else who entered, who didn’t short list: CONGRATULATIONS!!

for having the courage to put your work out there, in front of a faceless stranger, to received feedback. THANK YOU for entering. 

We hope that the feedback you get helps you on your journey towards creating a better story! 

All feedback will be emailed out by 31st August as per the guidelines.

Without you all - we couldn’t have this competition. THANK YOU!

Our Twitter name is:@CYAConference and we are using the tag line: #CYA2018, if you choose to tweet about it!

If you have shortlisted and you can’t attend conference or you are wanting to know the up to date happenings at CYA Conference during the day, we will be tweeting results on our normal @CYAConference and also #CYA2018. Note that the web site will not be updated until Monday 9th.

Quick reminder - you can BOOK CYA CONFERENCE  up to the day before. We don’t run out of space!  TAFE has multiple sized rooms, we can expand should we need it. (And I'm famous for over-catering,) but it's nice if you can book earlier to give us a few days to get your name badge etc sorted.

Exciting news: Donna Rawlins - Senior designer for Walker Books Australia and Black Dog Books  will be opening her pitching sessions up to picture books, chapter books, middle grade and young adult novels and illustration portfolios, so if you want to go in and book a pitch, be quick!

Don’t forget to book for your Networking evening on 6th July! Its a fabulous evening with everyone casually getting to know each other! Did I mention there is food and wine...

There is a French Festival on at South Bank the same weekend: 


So anyone coming in for editors on Friday, remember that you will need to find street parking or allow time to park in either convention centre (closest) or QPAC parking.

This year it is more important than ever to book your vehicles into the carpark on Saturday 7th July for the conference as parking is restricted, and security will be checking your printouts.

We are expecting to send out the final editor assessment, and pitching time this weekend. Please CHECK and MAKE SURE that your flights to and from Brisbane have been booked, and everything still fits into your schedules.

Because there have been a number of change to the program at CYA Conference 2018, we advise you to check what sessions you booked in to attend at CYA Conference. Make sure that you still want those sessions, if not, you are welcome to change them yourself. We use this information for room sizing, so its important to us to get it right, because if our room is too small, and we know in advance, we can switch rooms at TAFE, expand where necessary.

1. You book your conference and pay with Paypal.

2. Then you go and select your sessions, only after you have a conference number emailed to you. ( Then you get an email back - confirming these sessions.)

3. You can use the link in that confirmation of your sessions email, to go and edit your attendance choice if you want to.

4. If you have problems, email us and we can help you. 

Headshots…Many of our headshots are not professional. CYA Conference have secured a professional photographer for use on the day, consider if your photo you are sharing is old? (Admitting that mine is 9 years old, and a few kilograms heavier to… I’m having to get a new one done as well!) Is yours is not up to scratch, but it's a time management thing to get another one? Stop making excuses, you need to put forward a professional photograph. There will be multiple backgrounds, so we will not all look like we had them taken at the same place. Places have been filling, so get in there and get yours done. Don’t put it off any longer. This is a reasonable price to own your media image!

Once again - Wahooooo to all those on the short list! 

I think thats about all for today, sure as I send this I'll remember something else I should have told everyone… so until next time, keep writing, keep illustrating and keep smiling!

CYA later!

Tina & The CYA Conference Team

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Oct 22, 2018 ... yip it works! 😁

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